Become a thought leader
in your company and beyond.
Become a thought leader
in your company and beyond.
Do you want to inspire with your ideas or get buy-in for your strategy? Then elevate your storytelling skills in a 6-week digital masterclass.
Nächster Termin: 2. Februar 2024 - 15. März 2024
Frühbucherrabatt bis vier Wochen vor Kursbeginn
Nächster Termin: 2. Juni - 14. Juli 2023
Frühbucherrabatt bis 31. April 2023
15 Min Story Coaching
Bär Tiger Wolf Academy
Masterclass Thought Leadership
Thought Leadership
Digital Masterclass
Our Story
Trusted by Leaders from
People respect your expertise,
but they are looking for
Whether in conversations, meetings, presentations or conferences - without storytelling, you are missing the most effective tool for your strategic communication. Because your ideas will only be successful if they evoke enthusiasm and support.
Thought leaders bring two things together:
Where do you stand at the moment?
15 Min Story Coaching
Professional Expertise
Storytelling Skills
You are able to grasp complex business topics, prepare and present content?
Professional Expertise
Storytelling Skills
You have developed your own approaches, ideas and insights in your specialist field?
Professional Expertise
Storytelling Skills
You own the stage, inspiring and energizing others with your stories?
Thought Leader
Professional Expertise
Storytelling Skills
You combine high levels of professional expertise with a high degree of storytelling skills?
Get your copy of the "Thought Leadership" whitepaper now!
In this whitepaper, you'll gain the latest insights from research on strategic storytelling. You'll discover the three key questions people ask about any topic and learn why narrative intelligence provides the ultimate answer.
The future begins with your story.
Masterclass "Thought Leadership” in three steps:
Develop your story
Discover the power of narratives and learn how to develop a winning story for your business communication with our science-based and practice-proven storytelling tools.
Pitch your story
Learn how to get to the heart of your topic in a concise, visual and intelligent way. In the “Thought Leadership” masterclass, you will be able to master this task and tell your story effectively.
Lead with your story
Become visible as a personality with your topic and the power of storytelling. Convince with your ideas and learn how you can strategically bring about change in business and build community.
Peter Mayer
Head of MO Digitalization DepartmentMercedes Benz
“The Masterclass is pure gold. Storytelling is much more than just telling stories. For me, it's a strategic tool for actively driving transformation in business and getting people excited about it.”
Kristina Bulle
Procter & Gamble DACH
“Five stars. In my presentations at business conferences, I experience how storytelling creates resonance and enables real breakthroughs. Today, the ability to tell stories about a future that is better for all of us is crucial. This is exactly where the Thought Leadership Masterclass comes in.”
Andreas Keim
Partner & Regional Lead
Ernst & Young
“Simply inspiring. The masterclass not only offered valuable insights and practical tools – the most impactful part was the opportunity to connect and exchange ideas with business leaders from diverse organizations."
A digital learning journey with daily app-based learnings, coaching sessions and a personal 1:1 workshop.
15 Min Story Coaching
Our Masterclass “Thought Leadership” is a unique combination of daily micro-learnings of 5-10 minutes via a smartphone app, regular coaching sessions in a small group of 4-6 people and a personal workshop between you and a storytelling coach.
Goals we aim to achieve with you in the masterclass:
Learn to effectively apply storytelling in day-to-day business, meetings, presentations, and on social media channels.
Use proven storytelling tools to quickly analyze, structure, and prepare a variety of business topics.
Craft a compelling elevator pitch that captures the essence of your most important topic as a leader and expert.
Strategically leverage storytelling in business to drive change and build a community.
Apply scientific insights on storytelling and narrative intelligence to your daily leadership practices.
15 Min Story Coaching
With our masterclass, you’ll gain these benefits:
6-week digital learning journey for €2,450 with high-impact insights for your business day-to-day
Proven storytelling tools and templates
4 x 90-minute coaching sessions in a small learning group of business leaders
In-depth feedback and guidance for your elevator pitch
90-minute personal workshop with a storytelling coach tailored to your topic
3 months of access to all content via the Masterclass app
15 Min Story Coaching
Secure your spot in one of our learning journeys.
Jetzt Lernreise reservieren!
You’d like to book a masterclass with 4–6 spots exclusively for your company? Feel free to contact us directly.

Contact person: Peter Fluhrer
Phone: +49 7071 860 80 46
15 Min Story Coaching
Our Story
The idea for the "Thought Leadership" masterclass emerged from our agency work at Bär Tiger Wolf. Specializing in strategic communication for people in leadership positions, we’ve noticed a growing challenge: Leaders and managers face increasing difficulties in motivating and inspiring people for change.

“Storytelling is a great way to convey important messages. Throughout history and in all cultures, stories and narratives have brought people together and guided them into the future. We have found a way to help people in leadership positions get to the heart of their story and tell it as impactful as possible.”

Theo Eißler (CEO, Bär Tiger Wolf)
Our storytelling tools have already been applied effectively in over 100 customer projects: For keynote speeches and business events, in change communication, in vision and strategy development as well as in brand building, marketing and sales.
We have worked with leaders at Procter & Gamble, dm, Mercedes-Benz, Fraunhofer Institute, Ernst & Young, Bosch, ZF, Haufe Akademie, Würth, CureVac, Jobrad, Alzheimer's Society, Deka Bank, Vector Informatik, Pampers and Gillette. Looking forward to meeting you and your topic.
Bär Tiger Wolf
Whitepaper „Thought Leadership”
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Dabei erfährst du, welche drei Fragen sich Menschen bei jedem Thema stellen und warum narrative Intelligenz die entscheidenden Antworten liefert.</p></div></div></div><div style="padding:8px 0"><div class="sib-input sib-form-block"><div class="form__entry entry_block"><div class=form__label-row><label class=entry__label style=font-weight:700;text-align:left;font-size:16px;text-align:left;font-weight:700;font-family:&quot for=EMAIL data-required=*>Wir senden einen Downloadlink and deine E-Mail-Adresse</label><div class=entry__field><input class=input id=EMAIL name=EMAIL autocomplete=off placeholder=EMAIL data-required=true required></div></div><label class="entry__error entry__error--primary" style=font-size:16px;text-align:left;font-family:&quot;background-color:#ffeded;border-radius:3px;border-color:#ff4949></label></div></div></div><div style="padding:8px 0"><div class="sib-optin sib-form-block" data-required=true><div class="form__entry entry_mcq"><div class=form__label-row><div class=entry__choice><label><input type=checkbox class=input_replaced value=1 id=NEWSLETTER name=NEWSLETTER required><span class="checkbox checkbox_tick_positive"></span><span style=font-size:14px;text-align:left;font-family:&quot;background-color:transparent><p>Ich möchte weitere Infos zum Thema Thought Leadership und Storytelling erhalten und akzeptiere die <a href= target=_blank>Datenschutzerklärung</a>.</p><span data-required=* style=display:inline class="entry__label entry__label_optin"></span></span></label></div></div><label class="entry__error entry__error--primary" style=font-size:16px;text-align:left;font-family:&quot;background-color:#ffeded;border-radius:3px;border-color:#ff4949></label></div></div></div><div style="padding:8px 0"><div class=g-recaptcha data-sitekey=6LfxIOIcAAAAAIq7lX7NA_2czgTluHhtCOxQMr_E data-callback=invisibleCaptchaCallback data-size=invisible onclick=executeCaptcha></div></div><div style="padding:8px 0"><div class=sib-form-block style=text-align:left><button class="sib-form-block__button sib-form-block__button-with-loader" style=font-size:16px;text-align:left;font-weight:700;font-family:&quot;background-color:#3e4857;border-radius:3px;border-width:0 form=sib-form type=submit><svg class="icon clickable__icon progress-indicator__icon sib-hide-loader-icon" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M460.116 373.846l-20.823-12.022c-5.541-3.199-7.54-10.159-4.663-15.874 30.137-59.886 28.343-131.652-5.386-189.946-33.641-58.394-94.896-95.833-161.827-99.676C261.028 55.961 256 50.751 256 44.352V20.309c0-6.904 5.808-12.337 12.703-11.982 83.556 4.306 160.163 50.864 202.11 123.677 42.063 72.696 44.079 162.316 6.031 236.832-3.14 6.148-10.75 8.461-16.728 5.01z"/></svg>Bestätigung und Download</button></div></div><div id=error-message class=sib-form-message-panel style=font-size:16px;text-align:left;font-family:&quot;background-color:#ffeded;border-radius:3px;border-color:#ff4949;max-width:540px><div class="sib-form-message-panel__text sib-form-message-panel__text--center"><svg viewBox="0 0 512 512" class="sib-icon sib-notification__icon"><path d="M256 40c118.621 0 216 96.075 216 216 0 119.291-96.61 216-216 216-119.244 0-216-96.562-216-216 0-119.203 96.602-216 216-216m0-32C119.043 8 8 119.083 8 256c0 136.997 111.043 248 248 248s248-111.003 248-248C504 119.083 392.957 8 256 8zm-11.49 120h22.979c6.823 0 12.274 5.682 11.99 12.5l-7 168c-.268 6.428-5.556 11.5-11.99 11.5h-8.979c-6.433 0-11.722-5.073-11.99-11.5l-7-168c-.283-6.818 5.167-12.5 11.99-12.5zM256 340c-15.464 0-28 12.536-28 28s12.536 28 28 28 28-12.536 28-28-12.536-28-28-28z"/></svg><span class=sib-form-message-panel__inner-text>Deine Anmeldung konnte nicht gespeichert werden. 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